RYM Indoor Environment (2011 – 2015)

Indoor Environment Program (2011-2015) creates solutions that promote productivity, comfort and health of space user in an ecologically sustainable way. The focus areas are user-centric spaces, energy efficient management, revenue models for good indoor environments, and design and implementation of inspiring learning environments. The program explores with an open mind new markets in indoor environments of the future.

The Program realizes the strategic research agenda through far-reaching, collaborative and multidisciplinary research work done jointly by companies, universities and research institutes. The companies partaking in the program explore with an open mind new markets in indoor environments of the future which people enter to get invigorated and increase their well-being.

The Department of Teacher Education at University of Helsinki is participating in the program’s Work Package 4 that focuses on the design of new learning environments. During the last three years we have accomplished the following:

Creating a new learning environment/living lab: Construction of the pedagogical and technological concept of Engaging Learning Environment, Minerva Plaza, for World Design Capital 2012 Living Lab (2011-2012) and further development of future pedagogical and technological practices in the context of Minerva Plaza (2012-2014).

Development of new research tool for diverse data collection: Development of Contextual Activity Sampling System (CASS) together with Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences for intensive collaborative case observations and measurements.

Development of new pedagogical models for future learning environments: Development of the pedagogical and technological concept of student-activating and inquiry –based learning methods in science education, natural sciences, and engineering in both mass education and small groups (Engaging Learning Model).

Administration of questionnaires and measurements in various contexts:  Administration of the set of questionnaires and pre-measures to the teacher education, science education, natural sciences and engineering students in University of Helsinki and Aalto University.