JOT Flexible Places for Learning (2014 – 2016)

JOT Joustavat Oppimisen Tilat / Flexible Places for Learning is a project run by Educational and Cultural Services of the city of Espoo. The aim of the project is to develop innovative learning environments together with students, teachers, parents and school personnel.
The goal of the project is to create and model flexible, sustainable and cost-effective solutions to support renewable learning and well-being at schools. In this project, school is seen as a service rather than a building. School buildings are opened up for public use. Local resources are used to benefit schools as a learning environments.
Process is carried out in co-operation with Aalto University and University of Helsinki researchers. It has received funding from Finnish National Board of Education.

The guiding questions of the project:
– Can we see school as service rather than a building?
– How can the physical, virtual and flexible environment best support learning?
– Can we increase well-being in schools by finding new teaching and learning methods, learning environments and holistically developing school to support learning?
– Can we find ways to make use of the skills and knowledge acquired in non-formal arena?


More info:


Flexible Places for Learning


JOT Joustavat oppimisen tilat

Ohjeita käyttäjälähtöiseen oppimisympäristön kehittämiseen – Joustavat oppimisen tilat -kehityshankkeen tuloksia